Where are the Windsurf- and Sailing Schools situated on Djerba?
The schools are situated along the beach on front of some hotels. Phone 00216 98 430527 or 00216 98 302417
Situation of wind and weather?
From mid April till the middle of October there is thermal wind. It starts at 1 PM and increases till 4-5 Bft. in the afternoon. In summer the wind direction is East, North East ? onshore to side shore. In this time you have the chance of 90% wind.
During the other months there is atmospheric wind caused by the deep and high pressure around the Me. Sea. So, we can have many continual weeks wind of 4-6 Bft, but also some calm periods for few days. You can expect 60 ? 70% chances of wind at this time.
The Wind direction for November to the middle of March is: 15% South/ South East, 35% North, North-West 25%West and 25% East-North East.
Who can learn windsurfing?
Everyone in the age from 7 to 70 years can learn windsurfing, step by step, completely safety, with lot of fun. You need to know how to swim, then learning windsurfing will be very easy.
Age of onset
The age of onset is usually between 7 to 10 years. But beware: if you compare a number of children at this age, a significant difference in physical and mental development can be noticed. A detailed consultation, together with parents and children about age, body weight (according to experience the weight should not be below 30kg), individual previous experience from other sports and independence of the child should provide first impressions. In case of uncertainty, small games or exercises in the water and on land are helpful.
How can I tell if my child can already learn surfing ?
- If the child is able , without difficulty and without fear to take the head for a few seconds under water and dive under a board / sail through?
- Is the child able to carry a small children’s sail without any part touching the ground?
- Is it able to draw a children’s sail without excessive effort from the water and raise it quickly?
- If it is easily possible for two to safely carry a school board about 30m to 40m?
How long does a lesson take?
The lesson for beginner takes about 10 hours. If there are good conditions of wind and a flat and calm sea, the beginner learns already starting and moving in the first hour.
How is the water temperature?
January/February ca. 14 degrees C
March/April 17/23 degrees C
May /June 24/27 degrees C
July/August 29/30 degrees C
September/October 27/25 degrees C
November/December 22/18 degrees C
How long is a course per day?
Usually at least 2 hours. Furthermore we like to make use of the advantageous wind situation and teach longer then. We will go according to your wishes and physical condition. The location will be agreed upon.
Is it possible to rent a surfboard without having a license?
In general it is possible after checking your knowledge.
Is the surf equipment insured during the lessons and during rentals?
During the lessons the equipment is insured. If you rent equipment you can insure it by a Safety-Tool insurance of the VDWS. (more Information: www.vdws.de